Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City is innovating how certain cardiology and neurology procedures are being completed. With the generous donation to Saint Luke's Foundation, Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute and Saint Luke's Marion Bloch Neuroscience Institute were gifted a 3D printer. Interventional cardiologist and neurologist utilize the 3D printer in more complex cases to print a patients heart or brain aneuryem to better determine the best way to navigate and conduct the surgery. 

The physicians are able to take patients scans and input them into the 3D printer's software to print. This allows the physicians to be able to see the best way to complete the procedure and helps decrease the time that a patient is in surgery. 

Dr. John Saxon, interventional cardiologist with Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute, and Dr. Coleman Martin, interventional neurologist with Saint Luke's Marion Bloch Neuroscience Institiute, talked to KSHB about this new technology. 

Watch the story below. 

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