In a seemingly endless stream of tragic news out of Uvalde, TX, the husband of a slain teacher died Thursday just after returning home from her memorial.

Irma Garcia was one of two teachers gunned down, along with 19 students, at Robb Elementary School Tuesday. Family members said Thursday that her husband and high school sweetheart, Joe, died of a broken heart.

Though the exact cause of Joe Garcia’s death is unclear, death by broken heart isn’t some hyperbolic myth perpetuated by books and movies. Not only is it real, but doctors say it is on the rise.

Broken heart syndrome, known medically as takotsubo cardiomyopathy or stress-induced cardiomyopathy, can occur when someone has experienced extreme stress – including, but not limited to, the loss of someone near and dear.

WebMD talked to Dr. Tracy Stevens, cardiologist at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute, about broken heart syndrome and why doctors are seeing more cases. 

Read the full WebMD article: Could a Broken Heart Have Killed Husband of Slain Texas Teacher?

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